I did it! All my fears about not being able to finish were for naught, because I did it! I FINISHED.
If you can’t tell from the picture, I ran the Disneyland Half Marathon on September 5th. It was the fifth anniversary of the race, so they did a special medal. I love it.
I signed up for this race in the hopes of doing Disney’s Coast to Coast race challenge (run a race at Walt Disney World and at Disneyland and get a super awesome medal). But I got sick and didn’t run the WDW race I had planned, so I just had this one. What an excellent first half marathon though.
From what I heard, it’s not like the WDW races. Those are a little better organized, though I had no complaints. Also, with this race, after mile 4, you’re outside of the parks, running the streets of Anaheim. But you get to run through Angels Stadium, which was awesome, and also a good way to explain it to non-Disney people. “You’re running a race at Disneyland?” “Yes, but I get to run through Angels Stadium!” “Really? Awesome!”
I wasn’t fast in this race. I wanted to finish under 3 hours. And I did. But since I last blogged, I had some health scares, which led my cardiologist to instruct me to run slower (more about that in a different post), so this was a very leisurely run. Please note that leisurely does not make 13.1 miles any easier. I also took pictures on the way and made a point to simply enjoy the run.
It was definitely worth it. For anyone looking for a great first race, I highly recommend Disney. I’m actually running another Disney half-marathon the first weekend of October!
Congratulations! That is so very impressive, well done.
Three cheers for you!
No, wait, make that thirteen point one cheers!