Friday yet?

I know, I know.  It’s only Wednesday.  Yes, I have already heard the Hump Day commercial.  But I am so very ready for the weekend.

October was a crazy month for me.  I got back from my cruise at the end of September and then jumped straight into crazytown.  Every weekend involved a race that I either ran, volunteered at, or cheered.  While it made for an amazing month, I am TIRED.

So this weekend, I have zero plans and I love it.

Well, okay, I do have plans.  They involve running 13 miles and cleaning the heck out of the house.  Because the fur tumbleweeds have returned and I am running out of clean clothes.

Is it sad that I’m excited about these weekend plans?  Does this mean that I have finally evolved into an adult?

Or maybe I just like the thought of a clean house and finally checking off some of the things on my to-do list.  Wait, that sounds very grown-up too.

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