Skin woes

Makeup ShotsAs discussed, my diet hasn’t been what it should be lately.  And I’m starting to see it in places other than on the scale.

That’s right, my skin looks horrid.  Very broken out and sore.  Some of this could be weather related – all these weather changes are never good.  But come on, I’m 33.  These giant painful pimples should no longer happen, right?

At least I’m way better at makeup than I used to be.

But it’s added incentive to get back to a healthy diet.   Lots of water, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and more balance.  When I get lazy with my diet, I tend towards meat and carbs and way too much sugar.  Not exactly the best things to be eating if I’m trying to stay healthy.

It’s unfortunate, since I kept telling myself that March was going to be a good month to really get some good habits set into motion.  No races.  No travel.  And then work exploded.  And the skies exploded too, which just made it hard to motivate.

But I’m easing back in.  Getting in my workouts.  Cleaning up my diet.  Baby steps.


One thought on “Skin woes

  1. I went through MAJOR skin issues over the winter. I switched cleansers and moisturizers with no luck. It was really frustrating. Just the other day, I made note that my skin has improved a lot and I can’t even begin to identify a reason. Maybe I’ve finally stopped changing products too much? No idea, but I totally understand the frustration – it can be maddening!
    Christine @ We Run Disney recently posted…What not to do after a marathon!My Profile

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