I don’t know about anyone else, but the year flew by for me, and it’s hard for me to pick out my person 2014 highlights. I still struggle with not writing 2013 on paperwork and suddenly I’m going to have to write 2015? Life so hard.
In January, I ran another marathon. It was a good accomplishment, but not something I particularly enjoyed. Then I got a mole removed and reminded everyone to wear sunscreen.
In February, we caught a mouse in the office. It’s a story we still tell. I ran another half marathon and my parents ran a 10k in costume.
In March, TriColumbia disbanded and it sent us all into a panic about our upcoming races. And I worked on my swimming.
April meant that everyone in the running community was paying attention to what was going on in Boston. Also, I ran back to back half marathons. Yikes. I volunteered at a race.
May started with another half marathon. I struggled through an open water swim and it freaked me out a bit. But the month ended with some quality open water swimming. SwimFest was exactly what I needed. Also May was insane work-wise, so I didn’t blog a lot.
In June, I started working with a coach and it was the best decision I made all year. I did my first tri of the season and ended up on the podium! I got a professional bike fit and Ethel and I are so much happier now.
In July ,I paid a stupid amount of money to have my closet professionally designed and it was the second best decision I made all year. Columbia Pedal and Paddle was one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time, but I’ll do it again. One of my fall races got cancelled, which meant I was probably going to register for something else.
August was insane. I raced a hilly triathlon at Fort Ritchie. I went to Vegas, kayaked near the Hoover Dam (and never wrote about it, apparently), then”ran” a midnight half marathon. I did the Iron Girl Columbia Triathlon and improved greatly from last year. I ended the month by doing 24 Hours of Booty, and I will be back again in 2015.
September was less busy. Though I didn’t write about it eloquently, I was honored to attend the Flight 93 Memorial events on September 11. I ran a local ten miler as a training run. I finished the month with my first olympic distance triathlon. And I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t been on my bike since.
I started October at a Notre Dame football game. AWESOME. I ran the Army Ten Miler. And, of course, everyone freaked out about Ebola.
In November, I was glad to not be marathon training. I announced that I’m one of the 2015 Cherry Blossom social runners. I sang with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (well, my choir did). And the month ended with the best half marathon I’ve run in a long time.
And so we reach December. With no races, I slogged through my training plan. I got jock itch and blogged about it, but not in great detail because ew. I petted many doggies on holiday break. And I wrote this post for you.