Last big week before taper!
Monday – Rest Day. Choir started back up this week. I have to balance getting home at 10:30 on Monday nights with my need to get enough sleep.
Tuesday – Flipped workouts this week because Wednesday’s brick was shorter than Tuesday’s speedwork. My legs were fighting me by the end of my hour ride, but my mile run went okay.
Wednesday – Postponed speedwork didn’t go well. I got in 4 of my 8 speed intervals. My legs were just killing me. My hip flexors, specifically. I did some research and found this set of exercises that I’m going to work on to try to loosen and strengthen my body.
Thursday – Team Fight swim. Tabata style drills tonight. 20 second sprints, 10 second rest. Good lord, this was tough on tired legs. We finished the workout with a 500m timed swim. I swam it in 11:25. Not super fast, but not as slow as I would have thought at the end of a workout. We’re being re-timed in January and I hope to have improved.
Friday – Delicious, delicious rest day.
Saturday – 4 mile run in 53:35
Sunday – Hilly ride. 21.5 miles in 1:46. The wind was crazy during this ride. At one point, I rode out into the open after being on a tree lined street and I struggled to keep my bike in place. It felt like we were riding into the wind most of the time. I did the first 10 miles of this with the group riding from Princeton Sports, then broke off on my own for a bit to finish. The group ride wouldn’t have been long enough, and my ride needed to be 1:40. My legs ached for the first bit, but once I warmed up, it wasn’t too bad.
Next week? TAPER! Oh, and a race.