A lot of bloggers like to do a year in review, so I figured I would follow the trend. 2015 flew by, that’s for sure.
January – I ran a birthday half marathon. I cancelled my cable subscription in January. I can’t believe it’s been that long. I don’t miss it except for on the days where I have to watch football on my computer. I also chopped my hair off. And haven’t had a haircut since.
February – This was a slow month, blog wise, but I ran one of my fastest half marathons, then went on a cruise where I ran a 5K.
March – In March, I talked about photoshopped selfies and cats. I’m pretty sure that these two subjects comprise the entire internet. Or like 98% of it.
April – I wrote a huge post about pace and inferiority and how it can be hard to get past the comparison trap. It’s still one of my favorite posts of the year. And I ran the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler with Betsy and it was awesome.
May – The return to triathlon! My first race of the season, the Kinetic Sprint was in May. And I noticed a trend of people perhaps biting off more than they can chew when it comes to races.
June – Swim Bike Deathmarch! Okay, not really, but I raced my first Oly of the season at Challenge WIlliamsburg. I did a blood test with Inside Tracker. (It’s past time to test again. I should get on that.) I wrote about HAES and Fatlogic. I reviewed my Coeur Sports kit. Still love them.
July – A lost kid appeared at my door. His family texted me over Christmas to wish me a happy holidays and tell me that they’re praying for me. That’s so sweet. I raced a tri in the pouring rain. It was way more fun than I expected.
August – The month started with the Fort Ritchie tri, and to be honest, it was awful. Once again, Iron Girl Columbia! It didn’t go as well as I would have hoped. And then I bought a tri bike. I also started decluttering my house. I’m still pleased with the state of my closet, but I got overwhelmed by my paperwork and books and sort of gave up. I’m going to get back to it in 2016.
September – I changed up my diet and started avoiding added sugars. It’s going pretty well so far. I ran the Beat the Deadline 5K and highly recommend it. And I completed one last tri for the season.
October – Raced my 7th Army Ten Miler. I love this race. And I talked about losing weight.
November – I talked about lowered fitness standards for kids and ran the Space Coast half marathon. Love that shuttle bling!
And that brings us to December, which has been insanely busy.
So there you have it. A year in under 500 words. Have fun tonight! But not too much fun.