This past weekend, I was down at Walt Disney World to cheer on friends and strangers running the various races over WDW Marathon weekend. In previous years, I had run at least one race that weekend. Last year, I took the year off and stayed home, and I was filled with so much jealousy at all the fun everyone was having that I insisted on attending this year. Still didn’t run, which was a good thing, given my lingering hip issues, but I was so, so glad I decided to go. If you’ve got friends who go and run and you want to go along and cheer them on, DO IT. (Or if the idea of screaming at strangers on the side of the road and then going to eat a Mickey Bar sounds like fun, this is your chance.)
One fun thing I got to do while I was there was attend the Cigna Blogger Meetup. I really love all of the information that Cigna puts out surrounding WDW Marathon Weekend. They’re great about promoting healthy lifestyles, tips for running, and they highlight a number of “every day” runners who are participating in the races.
I particularly enjoy this infographic, because it’s not all “sunshine and light.” Running a marathon is HARD, guys.

The afternoon started with a healthy lunch (including soup to keep all of us warm) and then we went into the games. While the games were a lot of fun, behind each game were facts about health – knowing your numbers, knowing what a healthy diet looks like, and understanding how to improve your health by making simple changes.
I think in the world of social media, people often get discouraged by the “healthy” people they see online, people who seem to have perfect diets, perfect workout schedules, who never slip up. I’m sure some of those people are real, but let’s be honest – for most of us, healthy living is a constant challenge. It’s important to remember that no one’s perfect, and you definitely don’t have to be either. Just do your best, make smart choices, and know the facts.
I’ve talked before about how important it is to know your numbers and truly understand your health. So I was a huge fan of this concept. Unfortunately, it also showed just how much I don’t know. I’m solid on things like how much sodium I should have, how many alcoholic drinks I should (or shouldn’t) have, but when we get into various vitamins, I have no clue! I definitely have a lot to learn. We had one question about Vitamin B, and I couldn’t tell you what foods contain Vitamin B. Or what Vitamin B does. But I’m sure it’s important.
One important thing is to make sure that you know facts, not just tips from some random person on the internet. Make sure that you’re sourcing your information from reputable sources.
The games were a lot of fun – we had to do things like “throw away the sugar” by tossing it into trash cans (oh sugar, how I will miss you). Of course, you don’t have to throw away all the sugar, just consume it in moderation. Let’s be honest, most of us consume way too much added sugar in our diets.
Another game involved playing jacks (I was very impressed with some of our team’s jacks skills). The lesson here was about jumping jacks, or rather, staying active. Staying active and eating healthy can help lower your cholesterol levels, something I am all too familiar with. I’m good at the active part, but the healthy eating… well, I can always use help.
We had to make apple towers to… remind us to eat towers of apples? No, this one was about healthy diet and balance. Also, balancing apples is really hard. My team won, of course, because we are geniuses and good at balancing things.
This was a good lesson though, because I know I struggle with balance. It tends to be all or nothing with me. I’m either having a healthy period where I eat well, workout, stretch, and generally do good things for myself, or I’m skipping workouts and eating wine and cheese for dinner. This was a good reminder that I can be healthy but still have balance in my life.
The Cigna team was incredible, and we had so much fun learning and getting to meet Drs. Minnie and Mickey. Who knew they had time to go to med school!
Thanks for a great event, Cigna!
[…] – Half Crazy Mama rounds up the finest in cold weather running gear.– Elbowglitter got to attend the WDW Marathon Weekend Cigna blogger meetup.– Djambo Everyone reviews the satellite bird show in Harambe. In other news, I’m […]