As part of my position as an ambassador for Diet-to-Go, I have another five days of meals to give away!  Diet-to-Go is offering one reader five days of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Doesn’t matter if you’re a new customer, a current customer, or a former customer, all entries are welcome!

You can check out some of my former reviews here:

First review

Second review

My favorite thing about Diet-to-Go is that it’s easy and relatively healthy.  Could you cook more naturally for yourself at home?  Sure!  But that’s not the point.  The point of Diet-to-Go is that we don’t always have the time to do that, and Diet-to-Go is a great way to fill in the times when you’re too busy to eat proper meals to sustain your busy life.

One other perk?  Their customer service rocks.  It’s super easy to put your account on hold or cancel and restart later.  No annoying contracts here.  Just great meals when you need them.

Ready to enter?  The winner will be drawn Monday morning.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

By Megan

8 thoughts on “Diet-to-Go Giveaway!”
  1. I eat out most of the time. Cooking for one when you don’t like leftovers is hard, especially with a long commute to and from work, and if trying to get a workout in too.

  2. I like to at least keep bags of steamable edamame in my freezer, so I can eat sort of healthy when I don’t feel like taking the time to cook real food.

  3. I would love to try their services. Working two jobs is a bit stressful and this might help with healthier eating.

  4. This would be great for when I have no time to cook over the weekend! I usually end up with an egg sandwich on a bagel since I can make it in less than 5 minutes.

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