Wednesday Workout Recap
This recap is pretty pathetic. Because after two great weeks, I failed miserably. Well, not miserably. I went to some intense rehearsals for a concert series that went incredibly well.…
This recap is pretty pathetic. Because after two great weeks, I failed miserably. Well, not miserably. I went to some intense rehearsals for a concert series that went incredibly well.…
The news this morning out of Ferguson is grim. It’s unfortunately what I expected following the grand jury in the Michael Brown case. Unless the grand jury came back with…
I survived my crazy week! My training plan did not, but hey, I didn’t come out the other side with a cold, so I consider it a win. This weekend,…
Another AMAZING week! Monday – Rest Day Tuesday – 7 miles with 4 at tempo. I struggled to find my groove on this one, but pushed through. 1:35 Wednesday –…
That’s right, after a short hiatus, I’m returning to the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler in 2015. But how do I know this since the lottery doesn’t open until December 1?…