Not the greatest week, all in all. Monday and Tuesday were a wash. My beloved choirmaster passed away the week before and Monday night, we rehearsed to sing his funeral. Monday was a scheduled rest day, but Tuesday, I was so exhausted that I just went to bed early.
Wednesday – Did Tuesday’s structured trainer ride. Wasn’t able to hit the watts I was supposed to, but I did my best. I need to get better at these.
Thursday – Team Fight Swim. We made it through about 45 minutes before we got pulled from the water due to storms. Better than nothing!
Friday – Scheduled rest day.
Saturday – 8 mile run. I slept in and went out around 9, figuring getting used to the heat is never a bad thing. This run was not stellar. It was pretty sluggish all in all.
Sunday – Biked right around 30 miles of hills in Columbia. This felt better than I anticipated. Speed was relatively low, and I’ll need to work on pushing myself harder on the flats, but 30 miles didn’t feel particularly long. Considering in a few weeks, I’ll be doing double that, that’s a good thing.
I am so so sorry for your loss. 🙁