Wednesday Workout Recap
Hey look, a week where I actually got stuff done! One thing I’m realizing as I do these recaps is that I need to get more strength work built into…
Hey look, a week where I actually got stuff done! One thing I’m realizing as I do these recaps is that I need to get more strength work built into…
This weekend was the Fort Ritchie Swim Fest. It’s a really great event and perfect open water practice. There are three different races in the event – 750m, 1500m, and…
As I mentioned on Monday, this was a really great week workout wise. That doesn’t mean that all the workouts felt great, but I got them done. Monday – Rest…
I had an awesome training weekend this weekend. I didn’t set any new records, but I got in a 25 mile ride and an 8 mile run, and it felt…
Apparently, this past week has been a rough one for a number of triathletes. I’ve seen a lot of people posting about how open water swims went poorly, bike workouts…