It has been a busy few weeks, and my lack of time is showing in my blog. I usually get these posts written in the evenings or over the weekends, but with putting in extra hours at the office, the last thing I want to do when I get home is get on my computer. (Plus once I get in a workout and eat dinner, I’m pretty much just ready for bed.)
So let’s see, what’s been going on?
My workouts were pretty much a mess over the past few weeks thanks to the cut on my foot from Williamsburg (which is now mostly healed). Because the ball of my foot was injured and thus sore, I was walking weird, and while I did skip running workouts (pounding on a fresh injury seemed like a bad plan), the little walking I did meant that I ended up with strained muscles in my hips from the weird gait. So that threw off the workouts even more. Things seem to be mostly in working order save for a slight twinge in one hip, but I think some stretching should help that. Who knew that one little cut could cause so many problems!
I was also avoiding the pool until my foot healed, so basically it’s been all biking, all the time.
This past weekend, my brother, sister-in-law, and niece were all in town for a few days and it was so awesome to get to spend time with them. I will never regret moving to the DC area because I love it here, but it would be nice to get to spend more time with my family. They clearly need to come visit more often. There’s plenty of stuff to do here after all. (Though maybe I would recommend not coming on the hottest weekend of the year.)
I haven’t been paying attention to the fact that I have another race in 2 weeks and it’s going to be a tough one. I’m going from a very flat course to a very hilly course. Should be quite interesting. Let’s hope the heat has broken by then.