“Disclaimer: I received Sabre Pepper Gel to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!”

I love running outdoors.  I live near an awesome trail, and I love putting on my headphones (in only one ear, of course) and listening to an audiobook or podcast.  Sometimes I run without any sound, especially when I’m turning over a problem in my head.  Running solo is a great time to do some thinking.

But running solo can also be a little scary.  It seems like every time you turn around, there is another story of a female runner who was attacked while out for a run, and in the worst case scenarios, killed by her attacker.  I can’t say that this fear is on my mind when I head out for a run, but I always make a point to be aware of my surroundings, to only run during daylight, and only on days when I know the trail will be well populated.

A number of years ago, I also started carrying pepper spray when I run.  After doing some research, I opted to use Sabre, so when the opportunity came up to do a review of the product, I quickly accepted, as this is a product that I know and recommend.  In fact, the photos of the pepper spray here are of the handheld I’ve been carrying all year (well, half a year, thanks to injury) – the spray I was sent for review was gifted to a friend to keep her safe as well.

What do I like about Sabre?  Well, I have to admit, I can’t vouch for the strength of the pepper spray.  Thankfully, I’ve never had to use it, and I wasn’t about to test it on myself for this review.  Really, what I like about this particular spray is how easy it is to carry.  The little canister comes in a little elastic holder with a velcro strap that goes around your hand and can be adjusted to fit many different sized hands.  Additionally, the trigger at the top has a locking mechanism, so you’re less likely to accidentally spray it, but a quick slide of your thumb will unlock and have it ready to spray in a split second.

The pepper spray itself has some unique features.  It’s actually a gel, so it’s less likely to blow back in your face, which is a definite plus.  It also has UV marking dye in it, so if you spray someone and they run off, the police will still easily be able to identify them.  Each can has 35 sprays, so there’s no worry about running out after one blast, and if you want to test it in your backyard before you take it out on a run, there’s no concern that you’re going to empty the can.

On Instagram, a fellow Bib Rave Pro got called out for essentially being a wimp for running with pepper spray, saying it was an over-reaction and that running was perfectly safe.  And yes, in the 13+ years I’ve been running, I’ve never been attacked while out on a run.  But I would rather be safe than sorry.  I also always run with identification, money, and my asthma inhaler, and typically don’t need any of those either, but I’m not about to run without them.

Peace of mind is worth a lot, and many of us go out for a run to help clear our heads.  Take Sabre Pepper Gel with you for that added peace of mind and enjoy your run!

(Note that a few states do have restrictions on pepper sprays, so check out Sabre’s site to learn more.)

By Megan

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