This is weird, huh.
I realized that I went a full two weeks without having been inside a building other than my house. I’m pretty sure I’ve done that… never. Probably as an infant. Don’t get me wrong, I’d been outside, just not into another building. I did go to the grocery store though, so the streak has been broken. And restarted.
I keep looking at my calendar and all the things I had for planned for this month and the next few months, and it feels so strange to have everything crossed out. I’m not disappointed, really. Sort of numb, I guess, since it’s clearly what had to happen. So far, I’ve had two races cancelled, and I’m definitely expecting more. Not a big deal – they both were great about communication, and one gave every entrant an automatic deferral to 2021 if they wanted it, which is an awesome option (and that’s a race I deferred from last year, so… eventually I’ll get to do it).
I’ve seen a lot of people say “Hey, this is the perfect opportunity to start a new fitness routine!” And if that’s what you want to do, go for it. But only if it’s what makes you happy. Some people are going to emerge from the pandemic looking super ripped, others are going to have packed on some pandemic pounds, and both options are just fine. This isn’t the time to be worried about gaining weight. Sure, I do think you should try to eat a balanced diet, just because it’s good for your immune system. But I also think you can eat your fruits and veggies and still eat half a container of Utz Pub Mix.
Not that we have multiple containers of Utz Pub Mix here. Not at all.
As of right now, we’re on a Stay Home order in Maryland, and today, some recommendations came out to use trails other than the one right by my house, since apparently it’s been packed. I’ve been avoiding it because it’s been so crowded. They finally closed the playgrounds because they were a mob scene. I’m just waiting to see what’s next – and it’s not that I disagree with the concepts of keeping people separated. It’s the frustration that the few privileges we have left get taken away thanks to people who can’t follow the rules.
I really try to always look at the positive side to any situation. Obviously, this is all far from positive – but that doesn’t mean you can’t find and enjoy the bright spots. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed how this has made us reach out to each other. I have had so many Zoom chats with wonderful friends. It makes me wonder why we haven’t tried this before – and it’s something I hope we keep up after we go back to normal, whatever our new normal looks like.
I’m also really enjoying not having to wear real pants. It’s really saving wear on my good clothes. It’s a financial win, right?
I’m lucky enough to be able to work from home with very little change in my role. We’ve had to switch some things to electronic communication, but it’s been a pretty smooth transition all in all. I’m doing my best to keep a normal schedule for work, which means that while I have a bit of extra time during the week, it’s really only my commute time that I get back – and let’s be honest, I’m sleeping through that in the morning. So I’m far from bored so far. There is so much to do around the house and I’m looking forward to finally accomplishing some of the things on my to-do list.
How are you handling the current situation? Stuck at home or still going to work? I hope that everyone is doing their best to stay safe. Flatten the curve!
The dogs are loving that I’m home all day! I am loving the yoga pants/sweats attire. Definitely saves the wear and tear on my work clothes. I’m tired of people not following the rules to help make things better for everyone else. Just Monday, our college student neighbors had a party in their backyard. I was furious! That type of reckless behavior is not helping us get through this quickly. I just don’t know what to do to get the younger generation to grasp the seriousness of the current situation. For now, we’ll keep our chins up, and follow the rules as we continue to work from home. Thankfully we are heading into spring instead of winter! 🙂
It’s crazy that people aren’t listening. When we went from a recommendation to a mandatory Stay at Home order, I was worried, til I realized that was what we were already doing! And yet people are still going out and partying and doing whatever they want. It doesn’t help that there are some legislators who disagree that it’s needed and so in some states, it’s not being ordered.
I was sort of like you- Michigan got the stay at home a week ago and I had already really been home for 2 weeks so my life hadn’t changed much. You know, extreme rule follower and all. Living here has also made me glad that I don’t live in Chicago anymore- no matter how hard you might try to social distance in a city, there is really just so much space for so many people, ya know? Anyway, work hasn’t changed that much and I rented a spin bike from a local gym that had closed and added the free trial Peloton app to get me through at least the month. I hope to be one of those ripped people, but then I keep baking? Next up, funfetti cake. XO