How have we already made it to August? The other day, my boss commented “Well, we’re into month four of quarantining,” and we had to remind her that August was the beginning of the fifth full month, not counting that we were home for part of March.

I’ve resigned myself to not racing this year, and really think early next year is going to end up being questionable as well. I’m currently registered for the Walt Disney World Marathon on my 40th birthday, but I really doubt it’s going to happen – and even if it does, if we’ll feel safe going and running. I don’t know how I feel about being in crowds.
This month, we did road trip out to visit my family in Illinois. It was really great to get out of the house and go elsewhere, though the process of traveling was definitely stressful, having to worry about when and where we stopped, etc. It was still worth it, of course, though now that COVID-19 cases are on the rise throughout the midwest, I’m not sure I’d be ready to do it again soon.
Bike – 91 Miles
Run – 26 Miles
Definitely a lighter month again. I’m recommitting to running by adding in some virtual racing. I’m planning on doing the Wonder Woman 10K, and I also registered for the Army Ten Miler. That’s my traditional fall race, and they’ve gone virtual this year. One interesting thing they’re doing is requiring people to use their specific app to record their time, rather than just submitting a finish time. Clearly, this is being done to prevent cheating, and it will be interesting to try it out. I’m sure my time will be terrible, since I’m planning to run on a local trail that crosses some roads and thus involves stoplights.
I’m also fairly certain I will be running the Space Coast half virtually. We still have our trip to Florida booked, but I’m just not sure it’s going to happen. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Just being realistic and looking forward to racing with my friends in 2021!
2020 Mileage
Swim – 4.6 Miles
Bike – 630 Miles
Run – 236 Miles
I too am definitely missing racing with friends and hope it returns safely soon! I wouldn’t recommend traveling this direction for a while either…with students returning to campus + classes starting on Monday and a no mask mandate in Iowa, we are likely going to see cases continue to rise. 🙁