So this week was supposed to be my back on track week.  Raced three weekends in a row, celebrated by going to Disney World, then this week was back to race training for February.  And maybe getting rid of the extra “fluffiness” that I have accumulated during all of this racing and eating.  (Whoops.)  Tuesday, I hit the gym.  Ran a solid four miles.  And then by the end of the day on Wednesday, I had a terrible cold.  Didn’t even make it to work on Thursday because I felt like I was swallowing knives.  And not in the magical way.

Hoped to get out on the roads again today, but it didn’t happen.  I lifted weights for a while, and that felt good.  Probably won’t make it to rehearsals tomorrow night because I have no singing voice, so instead, I might hit the gym and try to get in another 3-4.  Gotta get back on track!

By Megan

One thought on “Thwarted”
  1. My daughter will be running our usual Thanksgiving day 5-miler (the Newport Pie Run) and I will be wimping out by doing the accompanying 3 mile walk instead. Will be joined in the walk by a niece and some as yet unknown number of family members in the walk or the run.

    Hope you have a good Thanksgiving and your cold clears up enough for you to get back into your running/training scheduel.

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