AdinaVoicu / Pixabay

It is hot outside.  Really freaking hot outside. Sing along with me (and name that tune!)

Hace calor, mucho calor
Could fry an egg on the cement it’s so caliente
Hace calor, mucho calor
How ’bout this weather it sure is HOT!

This has been making outdoor workouts really tough for a lot of people.  And if you get through the workout, you have to deal with the aftermath.

One of my most popular posts is from back in 2012 where I discuss a weird headache cure I discovered.  Spoiler alert: it’s sodium.  Dietary salt, salt tablets, it has all helped me.

And all of these years later, it still works for me.  Before a really hot race, I add a bit more salt to my diet.  I almost never salt my food before eating (just while cooking) so a few shakes from the salt shaker makes a big difference.  I also still use Salt Stick caps on occasion.

I was also recently introduced to Osmo Nutrition.  They have a product called Preload Hydration that you drink before a workout (and sometimes the night before too).  It is considered a “hyper-hydrator” and it’s definitely salty.  It’s not the most delicious thing, I will be honest, but it definitely helped me get through Challenge Williamsburg.

Another product I like is Clif Bar Shot Bloks in the margarita flavor, as they have three times the sodium of the regular Shot Bloks.

I wouldn’t necessarily recommend trying all of these products at once, but this is what has worked for me.

Hydration is so important, so make sure you are taking in plenty of fluids during a hot outdoor workout.  Just be careful to get some electrolytes in with those fluids.  Some people do great with Gatorade or Powerade, but those are both way too sweet for me, and frequently I don’t need the added calories.  This season, I’ve been using Osmo products and mixing them to my preferred taste.  Anne just introduced me to Tailwind, so I’m starting to use that on some of my training runs to see how my body likes it.

And I recommend not trying anything new on race day.  I have friends with stomachs of iron who can drink anything during a race.  I usually can as well, but I’m not going to risk it.  Of course, if you’re cramping terribly and need some sort of an electrolyte drink and the aid stations only have products you’ve never tried and its between trying something new or taking a DNF – give it a shot.



By Megan

2 thoughts on “Summer Hydration Tips”
  1. The thing I like about Tailwind (and other endurance-specific products, but Tailwind is the elixir of life in my hydration/nutrition Holy Grail chalice) is that it is easy to digest, you can *feel* it working for you, and it has way more of the important electrolytes that your body chews up and sweats out than more widespread commercial products like the G and P Ades. I have no post-workout dehydration “hangover”, and it’s been so crucial in all things tri to feel like I have he energy and wind in my sails to get off the bike and run.

    Bottom line is definitely find something that works for YOU. Training isn’t just about miles, it’s a dress rehearsal for Race Day!

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